Monday, November 14, 2011


Gemma was a Fairy for Halloween

Yes, I realize Halloween was 2 weeks ago. The blog world is sooo over Halloween right now.

Here is my little fairy (minus her cute head flower thing) in a not so great cell phone picture. 

Sorry folks. 

(For the Halloween stuff I mean)

I haven't gotten around to uploading the real pictures yet.

Maybe by December?

But I am blogging.


The semester is finally winding down.

I mean, as long as you can count 2 more papers and 2 more presentations and 40 more hours of internship hours as winding down. 

More progress!

I feel like I am coming into myself more here. I know I have spoken about that at length before.

I have been reclaiming (and losing) parts of myself for the past 2 and a half years.

It's easy to lose yourself in your kids.

It's easy to lose yourself in your life.


I am slowly making a comeback.

I am still not good about going "out" without Gemma.

I would have to find a babysitter.

And like, leave her with them.

Even though I already abandon her for 40 hours a week.

I am not quite ready for it.


I am making friends!

Even MORE progress!

And in the past month I have cut my hair, bought myself some clothes, and other little things.

Things I am not so good at doing for myself.

I'd say that is progress too!

I think I made the right choice is coming here.

(Gemma just fell out of bed and I had to go save her. Totally unrelated, but thought I would share.)

So, as I was saying...

I think I did the right thing.

It was a step in the right direction.

I hope (and truly believe) that we will continue to make progress here.

It sure feels good to finally be moving forward.

Even though I guess I have been moving forward all along.
