Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Things That Make Me Happy

I've been a bit of a Negative Nancy. In my every day life that is. I haven't been blogging much because I am pretty sure all I would come up with are a bunch of vents and rants and to be completely honest...

It's not that bad.

Sure, things feel a little...messy...in general now.

Things that are making me happy right now:

Gemma. Duh. If I remember I will upload a photo of her and all her toddling glory when I get off of work. She is seriously a handful lately but I am so happy to have her sweet presence in my life.

The Sing Off. Watch now and thank me later. This show is so. good. I am not a Dancing with the Stars, American Idol, America's Got Talent (and so on and so forth) fan, and I love this! The music is actually really enjoyable. LOVE IT!

My new phone.

Yes, I'm shallow. I downgraded phones when i was pregnant and I am so happy to have a smart phone again. I am welcoming myself back to 2010!

DIY holiday gift ideas. I am finding TONS of economical and fun looking gifts to make for the family this year. Seriously, the hardest part is going to be narrowing down and choosing only a few to do. Right now I am thinking Malted Hot Cocoa Mix, Tile Coasters, Cinnamon Applesauce Ornaments, and these sweet little Mice Ornaments. All of these look super easy and don't require too many supplies, so should be fun.

Oh, yeah, my $45 CSN Stores promo code giveaway makes me happy too!

Remember folks, " Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means you have decided to look beyond the imperfections."

Feel free to share what makes you happy. But only if it makes you happy. To share. Does that make sense?

And enter the giveaway already, darn it!


  1. I completely understand the happiness your new phone is bringing you. I just got a new Droid smart phone and it makes me so happy! It's like having a mini laptop in my pocket! Christmas came early for me. I'm shallow too. :)

  2. one of my best friends is on the Sing Off!! so i know the whole On The Rocks group (Eugene, OR) soooo well! it was so much fun to watch them on tv! (its on again tonight, so dont miss it!)

  3. very fun stuff. and yay for a new phone. sometimes you gotta force yourself to look on the bright side. fake it til you make it.
